I just received a Parker 21 and I was wondering how I could tell the diference between a 21 and a Super 21. And how I might find what date it was manufactured.
A 21 & 21 super are easy to tell apart. The 21 has a standard style open nib/feed set up under the shell. The 21 super has the same tubular nib as a 51. the 21 will have a larger cut out/feed-nib hole than a 21 super/51.
To my recollection there isn't really any way to nail down specific dates. I think there are 3 or 4 versions with manufacturing date ranges based on the changes.
Tu ne cede malis sed contra audentior ito ~Yield not to misfortunes, but advance all the more boldly against them
You know it's sad the only person that answers any question on this sight is you Dennis. I thought that this is what this sight was for. Surely there is someone out there that knows things about these pens other than you.
I know man. Getting people to post here is so damned hard. We generally have 15-30 people through here a day reading and lurking. Why they don't post is beyond me. I think we are one of the most laid back and essy going fp boards on the net. We do have the largest publicly available vintage catalog & advertisement gallery in the world. We have free repair videos in the repair forum and all that sort of thing. hands down this is a solid site & why it can't get going is a mystery to me. We had our 1 year anniversary back in June & we still havent broken 1K posts yet.
If you have anyideas on how to get it rolling I'd love to hear.
Tu ne cede malis sed contra audentior ito ~Yield not to misfortunes, but advance all the more boldly against them
I've seen a couple in ebay over the years & at a couple of pen shows. I wouldn't go so far as to call them rare, but pretty uncommon wouldn't be a stretch either.
I have a red 21 super on the way in ow as part of a lot of pens I scooped out of ebay for another piece that was there. Hopefully they will be in by tomorrow afternoon.
Tu ne cede malis sed contra audentior ito ~Yield not to misfortunes, but advance all the more boldly against them