Ok time for this weeks contest. It's very simple, guess what the pen is, model size, name and manufacturer, and it's yours.
This is a vintage pen manufactured in the mid to late 1940's. The barrel is black, the cap a silver tone. It's a lever filler (silver/chrome colored) The pen has a semi flex medium/broad semihooded nib. It's a smaller pen, 4 9/16" capped, 5 5/16" posted & 1/2" at the cap band. Slip cap & a 'minimalist' 2 line imprint.
The rules for this one are very simple.
You can make a guess every 2 posts past your last guess. If there aren't many guesses to start off with, then you can guess every 5 hours until someone scores the pen.
I'll answer any questions I can to help you narrow it down.
Good luck & lets have some fun!
If your not too familiar with model names or vintage pens in general, I'd suggest taking a look at our catalog/advertisement gallery or any of the superb reference sites out there like Penhero.com, Richardspens.com, vintagepens.com.
Tu ne cede malis sed contra audentior ito ~Yield not to misfortunes, but advance all the more boldly against them
I'd forgotten about those. The only lever filler that parker made IIRC. Chrome lever, silver colored metal cap, semi hooded nib. It all fits but for the date & size.
Tu ne cede malis sed contra audentior ito ~Yield not to misfortunes, but advance all the more boldly against them