Recently, I contacted Joe Cali about the possibility of building me a custom fountain pen. I sent him an initial e-mail. Along with photos of some of the other custom pens I had made for me in the past several years in mandarin yellow color, I asked if he would be willing to make one on his for me. After a few more days had elapsed and a few additional e-mails back and forth, he sent me a three page hand-written prospectus covering options available, nib choices (modern and vintage), a color sample of the yellow hard rubber stock he had. He, and this really floored me, also sent a selection of nibs from which to select.
I chose a vintage Parker Duofold broad nib for him to use in my pen, a button filler mechanism and gave him the constraints regarding pen length, diameter, etc. In addition, when I noted that the material he had on hand was a bit warmer than I liked, he got the color stock I wanted in a few days. So far, it's been a pleasure dealing with him and I can't wait to get it (he said 2-3 months, but I'm hoping a bit sooner). Naturally, I'll post some photos when I get it.
Now that IS a top shelf guy. I don't think I could name 4 people doing custom work that would go that far above and beyond for a new client. I excited to see the furits of his labor. He does stunning work.
Tu ne cede malis sed contra audentior ito ~Yield not to misfortunes, but advance all the more boldly against them
I would guess it was partially because I sent him a photo of some of the other mandarin yellow pens I recently got from Bruce Hirshman, Brian Gray, Scott Meyer, etc. so he knows I am serious.
Received an e-mail from Joe Cali TODAY (11/21) - My pen IS finished and was shipped today. It's due here Monday and will post some photos of it shortly after it arrives.