Karen Doherty, VP of Marketing for Exaclair, Inc., is graciously offering a free bottle of J. Herbin Inkin exchange for your review of same. (Your choice of Vert Pre, Diabolo Menthe, Vert Olive, Lierre Sauvage, Vert Reseda, Vert Empire, or Orange Indien) Simply go to the Blog link below and post your request. Hurry though as it looks like her offer will expire soon!
Karen Doherty, VP of Marketing for Quo Vadis, is graciously offering a free bottle of J. Herbin Inkin exchange for your review of same. (Your choice of Vert Pre, Diabolo Menthe, Vert Olive, Lierre Sauvage, Vert Reseda, Vert Empire, or Orange Indien) Simply go to the Blog link below and post your request. Hurry though as it looks like her offer will expire soon!
Take a look at one of those links she refers to for a review already done. There is absolutely no way I would EVER post obscenities like that in a forum. (The last link above her offer) I won't even provide the link here.
I just spoke with Karen Doherty Vice President, Marketing for JHerbin and she has very generously agreed to send a couple of bottles of ink to me to pass out among the community for review. I told her we would be delighted to review the inks and post the results here on the site for all to see.
I don't know what colors or even how many are coming other than a bottle of Poussiere de Lune for me to review. (I LOVE this color)
Take a look at the link RWLEWIS posted, find a color your interested in and if it's in the box I'll send it to you for a full review that you'll write up for us.
Who wants to lay out a set of paramaters for the review. What to look for and that sort of thing.
I'll let everyone know what shows up when it lands here.
Cheers, Dennis
Tu ne cede malis sed contra audentior ito ~Yield not to misfortunes, but advance all the more boldly against them
Try mixing 2 parts of the JHerbin Pussiere de Lune with one part Pelikan Violet abd you will wind up with a very close substitute for Sheaffer's Persian Rose.