A friend is sending me three old Arnold lever-fillers next month; I should have a photo or two in the next couple of days, but I know next to nothing about the brand apart from some conflicting "data" found here and there on the Web. I gather these are among the lowest of the low amongst third-tier pens, but apparently came in some interesting colors ... ?
They did use some pretty celluloid from time to time. Occasionally, you come across one that's nearly NOS, but they really are at the bottom of the third tier. Consider this: They were probably the largest pen manufacturer in America at one point, but not many of their pens survived.
kewl. I'll start setting aside interesting pens to pass along to other folks. Someone mentioned a pay it forward thread on FPN. It sounds like a decent idea to me. What'chall think?
Tu ne cede malis sed contra audentior ito ~Yield not to misfortunes, but advance all the more boldly against them
The eclipse hooded knight it the gem in the rough. It's a fairly inexpensive pen, but they dont turn up as often as you'd think. All of the E-HK's I've had have been lever fillers. Take a #16 size sac.
The eclipse, black arnold and yellow pen look like the only things worth salvaging out of that group. Harvest parts out of the rest.
Tu ne cede malis sed contra audentior ito ~Yield not to misfortunes, but advance all the more boldly against them
Here are some pics of the last HK set I came across. It's been a few months since these were here so details may be fuzzy, but the pics pretty much speak for themselves.
OK so I was wrong. It turns out I have seen a button filling HK. I found this when I was browsing through my photobucket pics
Tu ne cede malis sed contra audentior ito ~Yield not to misfortunes, but advance all the more boldly against them
Well, no point in posting extra photos of the Hooded Knight: mine looks exactly like that one!
Here's the whole haul that I picked up from the PO this morning: L-R: Arnold pen, injection-molded green plastic barrel and cap, no imprint, screw cap. Nib stamped "Arnold Made in USA," lever stamped "Made in USA." Sac is disintegrated, barrel is bulged from lever ring and j-bar.
Arnold pen, injection-molded green plastic barrel, no imprint, SS slip cap, "gold" clp. Nib stamped "Arnold Deluxe Fine," lever stamped "Made in USA." Sac holds water and is like new, nib is loose, feed is gold-colored plastic, barrel is bulged from lever ring and j-bar.
Unknown pen, burgundy color, no imprint, missing slip cap. Nib stamped "756" and "SIG" and "M" (remainder of "SIG and "M" are hidden by section). Sac holds water and is nicely pliable, barrel is slightly bulged from lever ring and j-bar.
Eclipse Hooded Knight, brown. Unmarked flexy nib, sac holds water and button filler works.
Unknown speckled yellow pen, no imprint, archer emblem in white on cap below clip and stamped on nib, slip cap. International standard cartridge fits nipple and barrel will take a long cart. Very smooth, slightly flexy F or EF nib. Some plating peeled off of clip.