The World Community Grid is a way that all of us can do a small part to help research on things like Childhood Cancer, Muscular Dystrophy, AIDS and more Nutritious Rice.
Over at Single Serve Coffee, a site devoted to great coffee one cup at a time, we have started a TEAM to help out.
What is it?
In the fields of Biology and Medicine many problems require lots and lots of computer time, unfortunately, often more time than is available on a University's mainframe computer. Grid computing is a way to help.
In Grid computing a small application is installed on your computer. It only runs in the background with a very low priority and so will not interfere or compete with any applications you are running.
The application does just one thing, it crunches numbers.
What kind of projects are included?
Several. One that is particularly important to me is the search for a cure for Muscular Dystrophy. Another is research into more nutritious rice, a project that may well help feed billions of people. There is a search for cures for childhood cancer, another doing research on protein X-ray crystallography, which helps researchers not only annotate unknown parts of the human proteome, but importantly improves their understanding of cancer initiation, progression and treatment. There is a program search for a cure for AIDS and one studying human proteome folding which is now in it's second phase.
Is it safe?
Absolutely. The applet you download from World Community Grid talks ONLY to the server that sends projects and receives results. It can only do the functions involved in the project and can only talk to the WCG server. I've been involved in Grid computing for over a decade and part of the WCG for over five years. During all that time there have been zero reports of viruses or computer hijacking.
Is there any cost?
Nope. Here is a Christmas gift you can give for FREE!
So the question is, would you be interested in and willing to join the Single Serve Coffee Team to try to help those who really need help?
Here is some information about one of the projects.
World Community Grid and researchers supported by Decrypthon, a partnership between AFM (French Muscular Dystrophy Association), CNRS (French National Center for Scientific Research), Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, and IBM are investigating protein-protein interactions for more than 2,200 proteins whose structures are known, with particular focus on those proteins that play a role in neuromuscular diseases. The database of information produced will help researchers design molecules to inhibit or enhance binding of particular macromolecules, hopefully leading to better treatments for muscular dystrophy and other neuromuscular diseases.
What is neuromuscular disease and muscular dystrophy? Neuromuscular disease is a generic term for a group of disorders (more than 200 in all) that impair muscle functioning either directly through muscle pathology (muscular dystrophy) or indirectly through nerve pathology. Most of them are rare (affecting less than one person in 2,000), have a genetic origin (80%) and affect both children and adults. These chronic diseases lead to a decrease in muscle strength, causing serious disabilities in motor functions (moving, breathing etc.). Disease expression is variable; some disorders are progressive, while others remain stable for several years, and the same disease can cause different symptoms from one person to the next.
Despite advances in therapeutic techniques, there is currently no curative treatment available for persons affected by neuromuscular diseases.
Team Statistics Statistics Last Updated: 12/3/09 23:59:59 (UTC) [2 hour(s) ago] Totals: Current Members 10 (#2,138) Retired Members 0 All-Time Members 10 Total Run Time (y:d:h:m:s) (Rank) 0:083:05:53:48 (#13,975) Points Generated (Rank) 158,271 (#11,941) Results Returned (Rank) 263 (#13,487)
Statistics By Projects
Statistics Last Updated:12/3/09 23:59:59 (UTC) [2 hour(s) ago]
I'll try & help get the #'s in an upward motion. I dropped a link to this thread on my facebook page/status thing (still trying to get it down) and on twitter. Still wondering why I use it, looks likeI found a decent use this time. Probably the first real thing I've done with that dumb site.
I dont want this to come off as some cheezy way to draw eyes to the site. I think this is a serious cause & I'm amazed it's so simple to help. I mean come on, this is the BIG C & MD we're talkin' about here.
G'night all. I'm OUT!
Tu ne cede malis sed contra audentior ito ~Yield not to misfortunes, but advance all the more boldly against them
Back when we started this tem I had hoped that we might be able to send 250 results by Christmas.
Boy did I even underestimate how much good you folk could do. Here are the results as of last night.
Statistics Last Updated: 12/11/09 23:59:59 (UTC) [16 hour(s) ago] Totals: Current Members 10 (#2,143) Retired Members 0 All-Time Members 10 Total Run Time (y:d:h:m:s) (Rank) 0:167:04:56:39 (#11,556) Points Generated (Rank) 321,309 (#9,461) Results Returned (Rank) 526 (#11,090)
Statistics By Projects
Statistics Last Updated:12/11/09 23:59:59 (UTC) [16 hour(s) ago]
Here is an update on the Phase I Influenza Antiviral Drug Search program straight from one of the researchers.
************************************* It's official - Influenza Antiviral Drug Search - Phase 1 is done!
Similar to our related Discovering Dengue Drugs-Together project, all Phase 1 results that you have generated to help find new influenza antivirals are on our disk servers. They are being processed and double-checked. Thank you for your efforts and help!
Phase 1 is only the first step on our path to discovering new influenza drugs. Phase 1 has systematically tested ~3 million small "drug-like" molecules against 9 influenza neuraminidase strains (including Tamiflu-resistant and Relenza-resistant strains). These 27 million individual docking experiments were completed in ~5 months. Our 30-node high-performance cluster would have needed to run nonstop for 100 years to finish these calculations.
Phase 1 identified numerous that could potentially interact with each neuraminadase target. Typically, ~90-95% of Phase 1 hits turn out to be false positives when tested in the laboratory. Thus, Phase 1 hits are very inefficient to pursue with laboratory testing.
Influenza Antiviral Drug Search - Phase 2 is designed to reduce the number of Phase 1 false positives. In Phase 2, we will complete ~2000 computationally demanding free energy calculations for each protein target (each calculation uses a promising Phase 1 hit)s. These calculations will eliminate many of the Phase 1 false positives and produce refined hit lists that are expected to contain ~80% true positives. Testing Phase 2 hits in the laboratory will be much more productive, efficient, and rewarding than testing Phase 1 hits.
Beta testing is underway for Discovering Dengue Drugs Phase 2. The programs and workflow required for Influenza Antiviral Drug Search - Phase 2 are similar to the dengue project. Thus, Influenza Drug Search - Phase 2 should launch soon after Discovering Dengue Drugs - Phase 2 starts.
We look forward to your continued help and generosity as we work together to find new cures for influenza infections.
All my best, and many thanks!
I'd like to add my congratulations to all of you that have joined in the effort.
Statistics Last Updated: 12/25/09 23:59:59 (UTC) [15 hour(s) ago] Totals: Current Members 10 (#2,151) Retired Members 0 All-Time Members 10 Total Run Time (y:d:h:m:s) (Rank) 0:297:14:27:47 (#9,367) Points Generated (Rank) 562,773 (#7,536) Results Returned (Rank) 939 (#9,028)
In the short time Team Single Serve Coffee has in existence we returned almost 1000 results.
I really want to thank all of you for helping and I hope that by Christmas 2010 we will have returned over 10,000 results.
For those of you who have not yet joined, how about making helping cure childhood cancer and other diseases your New Years resolution. Come on folk, join up. It cost nothing, there is almost nothing for you to do and it is a way we can all contribute to making the world a little better.