OK gang time to put out a call to the community for help. I've been thinking about moving the site to a server that can handle our new and upcoming higher member count/traffic volume. There are some major changes coming & I need someone who either knows where to find a good server/host for our site that can make the additions & changes I'm planning OR someone who can build our new home from scratch and design it the way WE want.
This is a big job I know. None of the positions/mod slots are paid positions, but as compensation I'll be happy to let the person who takes on this job pick any pen that my new company, Savage Pens, makes.
(mods, keep your eyes on the savage offerings, you guys get to pick one to. Thanks for all of your help so far!)
SO, who wants to volunteer for this massive undertaking?
Tu ne cede malis sed contra audentior ito ~Yield not to misfortunes, but advance all the more boldly against them
They are all hosting sites (similar to Activeboard). I believe they are all low cost- @ $8-10 per month like here. They all have a chat feature, and there can be multiple mods/admins.
If you go with a free service, then you have pesky pop-up ads, or ads showing up on the page!
"When, in the course of writing events, it becomes self-evident that all pens are not created equal" (Federalist Frank)
We sell quality, known brands at reasonable prices!!
I'm out the door here in a few for the daily errands & later this afternoon my production meeting. I'll take a few minutes & crack off a quickie site there and see what it looks like behind the scenes.
Tu ne cede malis sed contra audentior ito ~Yield not to misfortunes, but advance all the more boldly against them