It looks like Nathan Tardif of Noodler's Inks has been on a tear lately with new formulations and new colors. And regardless of your politics, I think it's great that he dedicated the new #41 Brown to Scott Brown
The spirit of the most rebellious and combative of the original thirteen colonies - the colony willing to go to arms and pay even the ultimate price for liberty before all others...came to the polls this January and openly rebelled against the establishment. The label artwork has three live models - catfish from the Senator's home town that have a thing or two to say about this revival of a competitive democratic process. The Senator's name is, after all - irresistible to a fellow who makes ink!
A few weeks ago we obtained some dated, sealed, and viable vintage area inks with extremely patriotic labels (this, to us - is a rare opportunity to examine earlier industrial history first hand!). Many referenced "V-mail", a term that seems to have begun in WW I. These were dated from 1939 to 1945 -- and of course began in earnest after Dec. 7th, 1941 with the patriotic WW II themes. With those inks as models and a little bit of reverse engineering and close modern replication -- the originals come alive again in our own "V-mail" ink series: North African Violet, Operation Overlord Orange, GI Green, Mandalay Maroon, Burma Road Brown, Rabaul Red, and Midway Blue.
Has anybody tried any of the new offerings in the Warden or V-Mail lines? What are your impressions? I have the Bad Blue Heron and I'm not too taken by it...
Thanks, b! I had to find out why this brown is called "#41 Brown", found this... "Brown will become the 41st Republican in the 100-member Senate, ..."
I'm really looking forward to one day trying the newly reformulated GI Green! Apparently there was much to-do in England and elsewhere about the original color being too light a green for daily use, despite the fact it looking like the original BDUs [Battle Dress Uniform] of the era that were OD [Olive Drab]. The new one is a much darker green, more of a "British Racing Green" from how it's been described and in the few scans I've seen, to me that makes it a better candidate for a good daily-use ink although no longer a correct V-Mail color. I love MB-Racing Green, that from a Fine nib it looks nearly black but it's truly a green but sadly it's been discontinued. Montblanc claims they'll be coming out with a green replacement soon, possibly the name to be Irish Green when I called the U.S. Corporate office to inquire about the Racing Green availability. At the moment the only green ink in the current MB line-up is Montblanc Seasons Greetings Ink 2009, described as being "Dark green, fine scent of pinewood" but in reality comes with the fresh scent of Pine-Sol instead of Christmas trees, or so I've heard it described.
I actually like Bad Blue Heron now, initially I wasn't too impressed by the color [or lack thereof] as it seemed a bit washed out looking. Having been using it daily in my Pilot VP, with a Japaneses "Special Alloy" Medium nib, I'm finding it's one of if not the best flowing inks I've tried so far in that particular pen. As most already know, a Japanese Medium nib writes more like a western Fine, in some cases it's so fine I never see any shading with inks that normally shade well. Not so with Bad Blue Heron, at least in this particular pen, it writes wetter, broader lines than do other inks, has some really nice shading from such a tiny nib tip. I've also grown rather fond of the hints of "Arizona Blue Turquoise" I'm seeing with Bad Blue Heron and the fact that it's definitely more "bulletproof" than just about any other permanent blue ink I've tested so far. Bad Blue Heron actually looks much brighter after my extreme wash-tests, instead of looking washed out or changing color from a blue to a dull gray or worse. If I had something you'd like better, in a Noodler's 3 oz size, I'd trade you in a heartbeat for your Bad Blue Heron! Would ya like to trade for a nearly full bottle of Blue Ghost invisible ink for it? I've only used one fill from the opened bottle of Blue Ghost, in a Dollar Calligraphy [Oblique Cursive Italic] pen, probably only @ 1 ml or less missing from the bottle. I do have a small sample of Bad Belted Kingfisher, a darker blue than Bad Blue Heron but oddly enough it's nowhere near as "bulletproof" as is BBH and changes from blue to a light graphite gray when swabbed with pure bleach! If BBK was a tougher ink I'd probably lean more towards that in the blue Warden series, but for now at least the Bad Blue Heron is my "blue of choice" when I don't need the anti-freeze properties of my Polar Blue, so I'll continue to use what little BBH I have remaining in a small sample bottle, in at least one pen, the Japanese Pilot VP w/ Medium.
"None of us can have as many virtues as the fountain-pen, or half its cussedness; but we can try." ~Mark Twain~
I've got a bottle of #41 en route. By the way Scott, did you see the newest warden series is Bad Gator Green? I got a chuckle out of that. I see it listed on Swisher's website, but there isn't anything about it on Noodler's.
...By the way Scott, did you see the newest warden series is Bad Gator Green? ...
No way, seriously, Bad Gator Green??? That's exactly the same name I'd suggested Nathan give his first green ink in the Warden Series, no lie!!! I want royalties for the idea! Actually, my suggestion was for it to be called "Bad Green Gator", not Bad Gator Green, close though, VERY close!
-- Edited by InkaFX on Wednesday 24th of February 2010 04:10:04 PM
"None of us can have as many virtues as the fountain-pen, or half its cussedness; but we can try." ~Mark Twain~
Hey, there's no mention of Bad Green Gator or Gator Green on Tardiffs' Website, Luxury Brands. They don't even show it @ Swisher when I click on the drop-down name. Hmmm, I wonder what it looks like???
"None of us can have as many virtues as the fountain-pen, or half its cussedness; but we can try." ~Mark Twain~