I love the colour of Noodlers Periwinkle - what have your experiences been? Would it be suitable for a piston FP or would the colour be too saturated?
I live in a city of roughly 1 million people but as far as I know we only have 1 outlet for FP inks (down from 3 about 12 months ago). Problem is - the "expert" sales staff wasn't familiar with the Eel range of Noodlers, wasn't aware of the specific colour ranges available only in Oz (even though I got a bottle of Coral Sea there recently). With these problems in mind I certainly wasn't going to get straight answers to detailed questions I might have.
I'd say that it is the nib width rather thn the filling mechanism that would be the go/no go for the ink.
As for eel inks... I can only think that it is more snake oil than lube since there is no real easy way to force it only to coat what you want. Is a lubricated feed really what people need?