I had a few pens up for sale and had put up what I thought were reasonable prices. most of the offers I received were reasonable but there was one that was just screw ball insane.
I had two pens for sale at a total estimated price of $2290 and someone offered $800 for both.
The pens were a Delta Enrico Caruso 1K ( gold & lever filler) as well a Titanium grey Waterman Serenite...
On further though I think the guy was just being an ass but no matter as I just sold the one pen for almost what was the offer for the two and am trading the other pen for......
wait for it.......
A delta Venezia! This is the one pen that has been on my desire list for a decade or so and I have only seen 3 of them come up for sale.
Actually it's on my don't need to look at any other pens ever list.