I've heard the horror stories about BSB, but today my wife and I stopped in at The Fountain Pen Shop in Monrovia, CA (Fred Krinke's shop) and while there I browsed Fred's binder of actual samples. Needless to say, it's an absolutely gorgeous color, and I did buy a bottle. I currently have it in a Parker Reflex, the only uninked M-nib pen I had uninked, and I like it still more.
I have to say that the "staining" some people complain of appears to be nothing more than a thin film of Noodler's highly saturated dye clinging to the walls of my syringe.
It wipes right off. That would be harder inside a piston pen that doesn't come apart, but it's NOT a stain.
I think, once it's finished with its load of Lamy black, I'll fill my little Reform pen with BSB. It's ink window is already blue anyway.
-- Edited by Chthulhu on Wednesday 17th of November 2010 11:20:38 PM
This is a semi-old post but considering I've not been around in awhile I still felt a desire to add my own experiences with BSB. If you haven't done so already, just wait until you go to clean out your pen, then get BSB in a sink. I know better than to flush it in a ceramic sink, especially fiberglass such as what we have in our bathrooms, I'd thought there's no ink capable of staining stainless steel but man was I wrong. It stains our stainless steel kitchen like nothing else I've ever seen, and turns sink strainers blue! I actually and literally need to use bleach on the white strainer and need to use ScotchBrite or steel wool on the sink itself to remove the smallest drop of BSB even when diluted by running water. I use BSB in a blue Levenger Plumpster, with a piston converter, and while the converter itself doesn't stain that badly it really stains my sink when flushing it out. It is, like you say, a gorgeous blue color, has an almost electric quality to its' brightness and out-blues DC Supershow Blue like no other blue I've ever seen.
"None of us can have as many virtues as the fountain-pen, or half its cussedness; but we can try." ~Mark Twain~
It sounds like you need to use the garden hose outside on it Scott! Though BSB probably stains grass and concrete too!
Hello my good friend! Got your letter back in September ans sorry I'd not written you back sooner. Things here at my home going nuts again but far worse now. A story for another time, perhaps, instead of posting here or via PM or an e-mail to you. I'll could still call you soon, have you call me right back if you have unimited long distance, seeing we still don't have the money for unlimited long distance calls. I'd like to talk with you directly, if that's OK, so we can actually voice-chat. Or if you have Skype, I have it on my PC so we can chat for free! I hope you're doing well up there in the place of my birth, with all this funky & fowl weather many are seeing this winter.
OK, back on topic, sort of: I did try a steam cleaner attempting to clean off my BSB ink I have a Scunci 1000watt Steamer and it really doesn't cut through the BSB when in my S/S sink and would probably melt the white plastic sink strainer too! It's great for other things though, have been using mine for a few years now despite some "issues" with the internal design of certain parts/components. The Scunci I'd mentioned has some "issues", like people using tap water having trouble getting theirs to work for very long before giving up the ghost [steam]. Those issues with tap water are typically caused from the minerals in their water collecting on the brass valve post/stainless springs/other parts too. I'd figured out how to take mine apart and how to remove the minerals and oxidation from the internal metal parts. That process works for me every time, just look at it as preventative maintenance now! I've used mine to loosen pen sections so as to not melt things as some heat guns or alcohol burners can do.
Gotta blast,... ...my wife just walked in from night at church library and she's not in th best of moods. Something wrong, going to get off here and see what's the problem about. More later, really glad to see you again Frank!!! Hoping I'll be able to spend more time here again soon too, just have to see how things go over the next few days.
"None of us can have as many virtues as the fountain-pen, or half its cussedness; but we can try." ~Mark Twain~