Here are a couple of custom pens I've owned. Sadly they have all moved on to new homes.
The first is an amazing Bexley 51 in Olive Ripple Hard rubber. I'd been wanting one of these for a long time & finally got the chance to score one at the LA pen show last Feb. As usual cash got tight and it had to move on. It really broke my heart to pack it and it's monster huge & butter smooth broad nib.
This one is a Sterling Silver Sergio Kullock Fantasy 51. This one gave me more problems than I care to remember. One of the most common flaws on this model was a tendency to crack on the back side of the cap. Yup, this one did. Sent it off to a a guy who swore he could do it justice. cough..cough HACK..cough...cough. He totally botched it. Sent it off to another "expert silversmith" blew the cap into several pieces. So I ended up finding a lined sterling cap and turning it down smooth. In the end it looks great & is as good as any 51 ever could be.
The cap corpse...
These are standard 51's that I also turned the nasty looking lined sterling caps down smooth. I really like the smooth effect.
Tu ne cede malis sed contra audentior ito ~Yield not to misfortunes, but advance all the more boldly against them