I'm sure you are all familiar with Noodlers line of inks. I just recieved one of their Bay State colors the Bay State Blue a classic dry permanent ink. How permanent is it? Well I marked an X on my finger nail and it came right off but only with sandpaper! Looking down on the nib of my up till now uninked Parker 75 I notice a transparenent blue haze I wiped it with a damp cotton swab with no results. The black section had the same effect, a percievable transparent blue overcoat, remember the fingernail? Well I can attest to it's permanency and classic dry. In closing...a word to the wise should be sufficiant.
That's what I'm thinking Jack. I look at that bottle of Bay State Blue with Respect like I look at a box of bullets. Look once but think twice. Some pen sites have removed the Bay State colors intirely.That said, I'm finding inks go deeper than the bottles they come in. For now I'll stick with Private Reserve inks. I've tried Sheaffer's Jet Black and Aurora black but you can't let a pen sit around with em in it. So that is absolutly all I know about inks...LOL...and little more about pens. John
Two types of pens I collect most seriously are demonstrators and pens made in Mandarin Yellow color, both types being very prone to staining. I tend to prefer using the vintage Skrip inks in the washable colors (Blue, blue black, persian rose, melon red, emerald, brown and purple) in these pens. I also like the Private Reserve inks in my other pens.
Two types of pens I collect most seriously are demonstrators and pens made in Mandarin Yellow color, both types being very prone to staining. I tend to prefer using the vintage Skrip inks in the washable colors (Blue, blue black, persian rose, melon red, emerald, brown and purple) in these pens. I also like the Private Reserve inks in my other pens.
Jack, I bid on a Stipula Duetto in a stacked yellow acrlyic but missed it. I can see a black ink in a Parker 75 or 51 etc. But laying a black line from a yellow pen...just does'nt fit. Yellow being a primary color I'd want to stick with the rose, melon or emerald the tie should complement the suit. John