Your last posting re the Conklin got me thinking as to what can and what can't be cleaned in a sonic.
Are there particular barrel types to keep away from the sonic and how do you identify them? Do you use clean water and let the sound waves do the work or do you use a cleaner that jewellers use?
I have a piston that although will unscrew refuses to pull out and I may resort to the sonic.
I've got a cheapo little $30 Harbor freight US cleaner. (pretty much the standard for repair guys).
"Are there particular barrel types to keep away from the sonic and how do you identify them?"
YUP! Hard rubber of any sort is a HUGE no no for water let alone a bath in a US cleaner. Thats lesson 1 in how to ruin a great pen in 1 easy The milk based 'catlin' will dissolve/wear away in short order. I had a funky gereen flat top cap years ago when i first got my US. Dropped it in and there was a feed I hadn't noticed in there as well. the 3 minute cycle had caused the feed to wear through the catlin cap where it was touching. Other materials don't do that. How to ID Catlin. i don't know off hand. I've never had the benefit of an education on it.
"Do you use clean water and let the sound waves do the work or do you use a cleaner that jewellers use?"
Generally it's just straight room temp h20. If I get something REALLY nasty i add a 1/2 a teaspoon of mr clean with febreese. Frees up the NASTIEST gunge after a 3 minute US ride. A good rinse in clean water, a polish and it's all good.
"I have a piston that although will unscrew refuses to pull out and I may resort to the sonic."
Sounds like it needs a bath to me is your friend for repair supplies. More so if you have on near you.
Tu ne cede malis sed contra audentior ito ~Yield not to misfortunes, but advance all the more boldly against them
Harbour Freight is a little out of our area (about the distance the Pacific Ocean is wide) so will have to look at other suppliers found on line. Will be placing an order for sacs (for those three Esters) and other tools tonight (its currently 2pm Sunday).
As I am a jeweller, many of the tools required for the pens seem to be in the workroom already - such as the sonic and a 40x Zeiss scope (thought it would come in handy one day).
Must go now - have to go out into the 40 degree sun (that's Celsius) - hopefully the last day of a 7 day heatwave.