I spent a portion if the day disassembling some NOS Pennants I received that were "waterdamaged". When I first received these pens there was fuzzy stuff (mold?) on the nibs which I wiped off. I bought these figuring on salvaging parts such as nibs and J-bars, but upon taking them apart most J-bars were broken, but the sacs were intact for the most part. I soaked the nibs in water/ammonia, rinsed and then put everything except the metal parts in bleach to clean.
Some of the metal caps have a lot of corrosion under the anodizing and I'm wondering if anyone has a proper fix to make the caps better. I'm planning on stripping the anodizing off, lightly scuffing with a scotchbrite pad and shooting some clear coat on with my airbrush. I have a friend who does anodizing, but the tooling he would need to use his set-up would cost too much for the small batch I want to deal with. I can probably use Dupont Imron (I'm checked out on this paint).
Any ideas?
BTW, what is the difference between the caps with the small smooth band (1/8") versus the wide smooth band (3/8") ?