Hello, I joined a few days ago, and haven't said 'hello' yet. So, hello, from England. I have all my fountain pens (excepting two) that I have had since the age of ten, and have recently started collecting vintage pens, after realizing that some of those I've had since the age of ten, are vintage! I'm also looking to add to my collection of modern pens. After many years of only using my FPs for 'best', I am now using them on a daily basis and hope to learn more about pens, nibs, and inks.
Indeed, Welcome Hetty. I feel I can speak for all when I say we want to get to know you and learn about your collection. What do you currently own? Your favorites?
Tu ne cede malis sed contra audentior ito ~Yield not to misfortunes, but advance all the more boldly against them